Monday, March 7, 2011

Giving Up Stuff for Lent

Without knowing it, I seem to have joined many others across the internet to resolve to give up “stuff” for Lent. I tend to think I don’t have too awfully much stuff but when I moved in ten years ago with my partner, I crammed it into a couple closets and never returned to it. Part of the problem is, with all of his stuff, there wasn’t much room for mine. I’ll know when he reads this blog because he will protest.

So I have resolved to get rid of stuff for Lent. I won’t just sort and discard. Each time I open a closet to start I will pray the prayer below, inspired by words from Joyce Rupp. I have added an antiphon, inspired by something I found online.

My Pentecostal background didn't prepare me for Lent. I've slowly warmed to the idea. I think that's how it usually is with a life of faith. As we journey, we encounter new places and vistas in the Holy. This year I have been looking forward to Lent for weeks. My soul has been thirsting for it.

I resolve to spend a few minutes each day—sometimes more—with the prayer below before sorting and discarding. And like Teresa of Avila, I will set a chair in the room for Jesus. When I can't decide whether to keep or discard, I can look to him. Something tells me he's going to give me the thumbs down on a lot of stuff.

My Giving Up Stuff During Lent Prayer
Inspired by Joyce Rupp

Possessions do not feed my spirit. I am liberated from the desire to hoard things.
God, open my mind and my heart.
Lift the barriers,
unbind the strong grasp of my demands
when I want everything to go my way.

God reach into my inner space
sweep out all my old clutter,
enlarge my capacity to receive. 

Possessions do not feed my spirit. I am liberated from the desire to hoard things.
God, empty me of whatever impedes
the growth of our relationship.
Help me to recognize and accept
your sources for my growth.
God, soften my resistance to emptying.
May I welcome each inner season
as a catalyst for my transformation. 

Possessions do not feed my spirit. I am liberated from the desire to hoard things.
O God, deepen my trust in you.
Ease my doubts, fears and discouragements.
When I am feeling vulnerable,
remind me that you are my safe haven.

God, may I be ever more rooted in you.
Draw me into solitude.
Entice me into endless encounters
where I experience oneness with you. 

Possessions do not feed my spirit. I am liberated from the desire to hoard things.
O God open the ears of my heart,
May I hear your voice within the silence
as well as within the noise of my life.
Re-awaken me so that I can listen to you

God of goodness, we yearn to be open and receptive
to your generosity.
May we trust your presence amidst the cycle
of emptying and filling.
Possessions do not feed my spirit. I am liberated from the desire to hoard things.


  1. Awesome prayer Sam! I agree with you -- Lent is not something I am comfortable with. It is tough to embark on a plan for Lent that isn't simply a giving up of a "vice" but rather undertaking a new practice that brings you closer to God.
    I'm giving up complaining for Lent. Is there a prayer for that one?

  2. Elizabeth, maybe a Google search would turn something up. That's how I created the prayer I put together from a couple sources.
