Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hearing Voices

Call has recently been on my mind. How can I know I am being called when I can’t even decide what to call that which many call God?! As for name, the Voice that spoke to Moses from the burning bush claimed the name “I Am Who I Am,” Yahweh in Hebrew and commonly translated at Jehovah. Thank you very much, I Am Who I am, could you be any more vague?! Really?!

From the get-go, the Voice is going to be vague—and not particularly particular about what name we use. God. Holy. Divine. Spirit. Christ. You can expect me to use any of the above, if not a few others.

But how can I know I am being called by the Holy? And how do I respond… without looking like a fool?

First off, what do I think the Holy is calling me to? When I am at my quietest, what do I hear the still small voice saying? What is repeating me in my life or what caught my attention? Maybe it only infrequently repeats, or repeated a few times just recently, or a word or topic floating across my life caught my notice. Not even my attention, just my notice.

Now, can I discuss this with the Holy? We don’t have to decide anything in the first conversation, but we talk about it. Maybe I have to explain to the Holy why not.

Maybe it’s just my imagination. And who gave me my imagination? So, this could go on for a very long time.

I don’t know about you but I figure I have two choices: respond or cover up the voice with other noise. More later about this.

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