Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I envy a friend of mine who always seems to be at peace. It must be genetic—and unfair: he never heard his father raise his voice. Who can do that?

Some think I pray a lot—I pray because I need it. I often turn to Welcoming Prayer. I’m really good at Steps 1 and 2. From the sound of it, the Psalmists were also very good at Steps 1 and 2: feeling the feeling, and affirming, by god, my right to feel this way!!! Usually multiple exclamation marks are appropriate here.

My peaceful friend’s father who never raised his voice? My mother was a pot-cusser, slamming cabinets, pots, etc. I think I’m a little more peaceful than my mother but sometimes I wonder.

Step 3 I struggle with—woefully: Letting go. Giving up control. Often I forget this step (conveniently?). I may indeed know better. I may indeed have the best motives. But I have to give up control… and it’s easier said than done.

I learned long ago that another friend who always sought out my advice was never actually going to follow said advice. What makes me think people who have not sought my advice are going to do any better? How long will I wander around this mountain of wanting to control?

Sometimes I just can’t make it better. I can only pray for us, loosen my clenched teeth, and let it go.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Strange. I JUST read an article on this very topic this morning! :)


  2. Hello Sam, I think it is human to stick with goals and yearning for their accomplishments,

    I've often huge difficulties letting go of them, tough it is a true blessing when I leave everything to God.

    I'm still struggling to understand what Jesus was really teaching.

    Was it: God has good plans for your and He'll give you all what you need as he feeds the birds in the sky?
    But what about all birds and humans who starve?

    Greetings from continental Europe

    Lothars Sohn – Lothar’s son
