Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finding Meaning in the Hebrew Testament

I’ve had an on-again-off-again relationship with the Hebrew Testament. I grew up with a love for it, then I studied it again with 21st century and got over it. Now, Samuel-of-the-Hebrew-Testament and my namesake--really--did you have to hack up Agag like a crazed man?! How about some anger management?

Strangely, now I feel drawn to the Hebrew Testament again. From time to time we all feel like Samuel. There is far too much violence in our world today so obviously a lot of people feel like Samuel. Understanding the Hebrew Testament isn’t about embracing the primitive theology and their actions from another time but how do we feel called by the Holy to deal with our feelings today?

Consider verse 3 of this week’s Hebrew lectionary reading from Isaiah 9:1-4:

     You have multiplied the nation,
     you have increased its joy;
     they rejoice before you
     as with joy at the harvest,
     as people exult when dividing plunder.

How to we find meaning in words like this when we condemn acts of plundering? You read a bit of this and it’s no wonder some endorse things like preemptive strikes and building in occupied territory. Surely, the Bible calls us to be pilgrims of the most enlightened age possible.

So, Isaiah, how do find meaning in your words today? These words of Isaiah are full of imagery. Maybe I can think of happy pirates of the Pirates of the Caribbean where nobody really gets hurt. While abhorring violence and theft, imagine that kind joy and dancing of the winning side, for just a moment.

What we can get from this scripture is, when have I felt this kind of joy? I felt this kind of joy when Barak Obama was elected President and everywhere I turned I thought I heard Dr. King alive and speaking. Recently, when Congress overturned Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, wrong was plundered that day and we rejoiced with an all-out joy. I felt it earlier this week when my congregation voted to give $100,000 to the local soup kitchen building fund. Hunger wasn’t entirely plundered in the process but it took one hell of a beating.

This kind of joy. I must read past the bad theology and instead acknowledge the common feelings before a God that is still Creating me.

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